If you've been reading A Ruby Christmas, you know the publisher is hosting a contest. Every day she's posted a picture to go with that day's chapter, with an altered photo on the author's page. Here's the altered version of today's photo. Go to A Ruby Christmas contest to see the original.
(Shhh. If you know Guatemala, you know this isn't the lake that Ruby visited, but we won't tell.)
But his delight is in the law of the Lord; and in his law doth he meditate day and night. Psalm 1:2
Thursday, December 12, 2013
La Posada
Today is my day. My chapter of A Ruby Christmas is out on the publisher's page. (See the bottom of this post for the link.) Ruby is traveling around the world, so of course, I sent her to my favorite country - Guatemala! In honor of her trip, I've asked my father, John Shackelford, if I could post a story he wrote about a posada we all saw while we lived there. Enjoy it.
You can read about Ruby's trip to Guatemala here.
We had spent the day shopping in the capital city,
and didn't start that long drive home until late in the afternoon. As we
descended from the high peaks of the cordillera about 9:00 P.M. we came into Totonicapán,
a Mayan Village with cobblestone streets. It was nice to get away from the
dusty dirt road for a little while, even though the stones were quite rough, but
it meant we were getting closer to home. The kids were asleep in the back seat,
but suddenly they were awakened by a large procession marching along the main
street filled with people. The people were all dressed in their Mayan costumes
and marching along very slowly carrying a statue of Mary and Joseph on their
shoulders. Even with the windows closed against the cold mountain night air, we
could hear their native drums made from hollow tree trunks and sheep skins. One
man played his homemade bamboo flute. They chanted weird tunes developed over
the centuries by their Mayan culture. A strange hollow sound, which is
characteristic of the posada, was the clicking sound from the striking of a
turtle shell.
Of course they didn't move over for a lonely car,
for this was a very important occasion, so we just followed along. The posada consists
of villagers carrying a statue of Joseph and Mary on their shoulders and chanting
that they are looking for a place for the baby Jesus to be born. This religious
custom is taken from the story of Jesus being born in a manger.
And Joseph went up from Galilee, out of the
city of Nazareth, into Judea, unto the city of David, which is called Bethlehem
to be taxed with Mary his espoused wife, being great with child. And so it was,
that while they were there the days were accomplished that she should be
delivered. And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in
swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn. Luke 2:4-7 (KJV, italics added)
This is the setting for the posadas. The men carried a platform with the life size statues of
the sacred couple, and called out at every home, "Does anyone have room
for Joseph and Mary, a place where they can spend the night, where the baby
Jesus can be born?" They stopped at several houses and asked, "Is
there room for the baby Jesus here?" No one seemed to have a place for
Him. After about 15 minutes, they arrived at a pre-selected home and the owners
ran out and invited Joseph and Mary to come in. They had room in their home! Room for the parents of Jesus and a place
for Jesus to be born. They invited those carrying the statues, as well as
the whole crowd, into their home. We probably would have been welcome too, but
didn't ask because we wanted to get home.
But that is when the whole event lost its sacred significance.
The statues were placed in a dark corner with one lighted candle, no longer
important and completely ignored. The table was set with tamales wrapped in
banana leaves, which is a great delicacy and eaten with bread and coffee and
replaces the regular menu of tortillas and black beans. Lots of festivities
followed with heavy drinking and partying. The poor holy couple and their son
Jesus were inconvenient and pushed off into a dark corner. It didn't take long
for our children to comment that it didn't seem to them that there was any room
for Jesus at that Posada.
Now the road had cleared and we were on our way. As
we drove home, the chorus that we used to sing in Christian Endeavor came to
our minds, and we sang it together as we drove off into the lonely night,
"Into my heart, into my heart, come into my heart, Lord Jesus. Come in
today, come in to stay, come into my heart, Lord Jesus."
A Ruby Christmas,
baby Jesus,
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
Babies at Christmas
When Zoey was two, her favorite of my Christmas ornaments
was a large snow globe with the nativity scene inside it. It stood on a musical
stand where camels rested after their long trip. The music box played “We Three
Kings” and the camels rotated slowly underneath the globe. I placed it in the
middle of the table where Zoey’s little hands couldn’t reach it, so she sat in
a chair that brought her eyes up level with the camels and watched and
listened. As soon as the music ran down she would laugh and say “again.” And
again. And again. I thought there would never be anyone as precious as two year
old Zoey.
Of course, three year old Zoey was just as precious – and she
still is.
There’s something really special about having a baby around
at Christmas. We often think that Christmas is for the children – the lights
and music and presents and cookies . . . Or that all those things bring out the
child in each of us. But Christmas is about a child too young to appreciate
those things.
If you’re blessed, you’ve had an infant in your arms on
Christmas. For me, it was a two month old niece. I felt her tiny body snuggle
up to me, smelled her baby smell and saw her little mouth pucker. For a brief
moment, I could picture my Creator like this. Really.
Okay. I couldn’t.
But God uses real life situations as metaphors to make His
message clear. Holding a baby at Christmas was one for me. It was overwhelming
to hold a tiny, helpless baby and consider that the Sovereign God gave up His
glories in Heaven and was born like this baby into a helpless world.
I can’t grasp the enormity of it, but I am humbled by it.
And just a little bit afraid.
Today Ruby goes to South Africa, where I had the privilege of holding a different niece, although it was closer to Easter than it was to Christmas. You can read her adventure in chapter eight here.
Meet the author, Debbie Roome.
A Ruby Christmas,
baby Jesus,
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
Light Overcomes the Darkness
Today I welcome another of my fellow authors, Marji Laine:
In my chapter of A Ruby
Christmas, Ruby visits Paris, “The City of Light.” You know light isn't
seen very well unless it's surrounded by darkness. In fact, my favorite
satellite pictures are the ones taken at night that show the countries lit up
like a Christmas ornament. I think of them as a spiritual interpretation.
Imagine each little pinpoint of light as a heart for God holding the flame of
His Spirit. What would your “neighborhood” look like? Would your light shine
bright and inspire others to light up? Would it attract those already glowing
or does it barely flicker in the darkness surrounding it?
Spiritual Darkness can take many forms:
Self-Deception This
takes the form of the lie that everyone’s going to heaven because God loves us.
Or “I’m a Christian because I go down to
the church on Sunday.” This is a particularly dangerous darkness because those
who suffer from it have heard the Word of God. They just haven’t listened to
what He says.
Apathy This is
another dangerous version of darkness. People who suffer from apathy might be
willing to believe in God, but they don’t want to put any effort into living
their lives for Him. Their likely response is, “Let me think about this for a
little while.” (That’s a seed waiting to be smuggled off by some conniving
Hostility This can be
painful to the believer, but a person passionate about his opposition to God
can become an amazing proclaimer of truth after realizing Christ’s love.
Ignorance We suffer
from more of this particular darkness in America than we realize. The people with
this blindness have no idea of their malady and just wait for someone to
enlighten them.
Religiosity This
darkness bears such bondage. Those chained in the shackles of this type of
lifestyle are begging for the freedom that Christ offers, and they don’t even
realize it.
What type of darkness do you see most often? What type did
you or do you most suffer from? What can you do to dissolve it?
Marji is a homeschooling mom of 4 with the oldest working in
the mission field in Africa. She spends her days transporting to and from
volleyball, teaching writing classes at a local coop, and directing the
children’s music program at her church. With decades of leading worship,
directing and performing in theatre productions, and script-writing, Marji took
the plunge to creating scintillating Christian romance and romantic suspense
novels with a side of Texas sassy. She invites readers to unravel their
inspiration, seeking a deeper knowledge of the Lord’s Great Mystery that
invites us all.
You can read her chapter here.
Monday, December 9, 2013
Stupid Sheep
Every nativity scene has sheep in it, but, within the story,
the sheep aren’t very important. On the other hand, the Shepherd is the main
character, although no one knows Him as the Shepherd yet. But, if you’ll allow
me to mix metaphors a bit, if Jesus is the Shepherd, we’re the sheep. And we do
have a role in the story. We’re the recipients of the love and grace that sent
the Shepherd.
The reason the Shepherd came was because the sheep were lost
and needed a savior. When the Shepherd came, He searched for His lost sheep and
called them by name.
He found us. He saved us.
So when you look at your nativity scene this year, after you
thank God for the Baby, remember that you’re in the story too. You’re that
little lamb off on the side. You’re the recipient of the good news that brings
great joy.
This week, Ruby's search takes her outside of the United States. Enjoy.
Learn more about the author, Jennifer Fromke.
If you enjoy here writing (and of course you will), I recommend A Familiar Shore.
Friday, December 6, 2013
The Angels Didn't Sing
I know what you’re thinking. “Of course the angels sang. Everyone sings about it.”
“Hark the herald angels sing”
“Angels we have heard on high, sweetly singing o’er the
I’m sorry to disillusion you, but the carols got it wrong.
Look at what the scripture actually says:
Luke 2:13-14 “Suddenly, the angel was joined by a vast host
of others—the armies of heaven—praising God and saying, Glory to God in highest
heaven, and peace on earth to those with whom God is pleased.”
Yup. They said it, not sang it. This quote is from the New
Living Translation, but all the others I checked also use saying, even the King
Okay, so the angels didn’t sing to the shepherds, but Isaiah
and John saw them singing in heaven, didn’t they?
Nope. Both men saw angels praising God with the words,
“holy, holy, holy.” But Isaiah heard them calling out to each other (Isaiah6:3) and John heard them say it (Revelation 4:8).
Maybe I’m right (and maybe I’m wrong – there must be a
reason everyone thinks angels sing), but so what? Did I just ruin your
Christmas with my pickiness about words?
Here’s what I think. There are lots and lots of occasions in
the Bible where people sing, from Moses and Miriam to David to Paul and Silas.
There are even people – not angels - singing in heaven (Revelation 5:8-10). So I think singing is
one of God’s special gifts to people. I think it’s a very particular way He has
given for us to praise Him. In fact, I think it’s one of the ways we’re made in
His image.
I found one place in the Bible where God sings.
For the Lord your God is living among you.
He is a mighty savior.
He will take delight in you with gladness.
With his love, he will calm all your fears.
He is a mighty savior.
He will take delight in you with gladness.
With his love, he will calm all your fears.
He will rejoice over you with joyful songs.”
Zephaniah 3:17(NLT)
This passage is talking about Israel’s rebellion against God
and God’s redemption of His people. God celebrates His salvation by singing
over His beloved. He’s singing over us. We are the ones He came to save. We are
the ones He came to live among. We respond by singing with joy.
The angels aren’t singing, because they’re not the ones He
came to save. We should be the ones singing.
“Joy to the world, the Lord is come. Let earth receive her

You can meet the author, Jerusha Agen, here.
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