Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Ears Open, Mouth Shut

I’m currently teaching Sunday School, helping in the nursery and will soon be working with the youth. I’m also planning a ladies fellowship and Bible study and I will be leading the missions segment of VBS this summer. Whew.

I don’t feel overwhelmed right now, but I think this verse is for me. I’m so quick to jump in when there’s a need at church, that I don’t always think about whether I should. Does that make my offerings of service mindless?

Before I offer God anything, I need to think and pray about it. I need to keep my ears open and my mouth shut. In other words, listen before I speak. And don’t make promises to God I can’t or won’t keep.

A mindless offering is a rash promise that I haven’t thought about. Before I promise Him anything, I should weigh it out first - make sure I’m committed. Otherwise, I might end up making excuses, and that’s not just disappointing someone, it’s a sin. It’s better not to make a promise than not to keep it. So if I do make a promise to God, I’d better do it. 

One thing I have to consider is whether I’m over committed. Too much activity gives you restless dreams; I already suffer from insomnia, I don’t need nightmares too! But I think the scripture might be talking about other kinds of dreams as well. When I serve God, and do it well, I’m tempted to take credit for it – especially if others praise me for it. I start imagining what I’ll do, what I’ll accomplish, what I’ll change, how I’ll impress. I’m no longer listening to God.

And then, if I start to talk about it, I may look silly. Too many words make me a fool. Instead of listening to God and others, I speak up and my ideas are probably not the best ones available. In fact, I may not know what I’m talking about. It’s always better to listen first, then speak.

Talk is cheap - so are daydreams. They’re useless; they don’t accomplish anything.

Instead I want to fear God when I walk into His house. I want to be in awe and let Him do the talking. I want to keep my ears open and my mouth shut.

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