Monday, November 12, 2012

God is My Arborist

My name is Phyllis. I’ve never liked it, but I love what it means. It’s Greek for green leaf or green bough. I’ve always thought of myself as the tree in Psalm 1, growing by a river and producing fruit because I meditate on God’s Word. 

I’ve recently discovered this passage in Psalm 92 that gives me a slightly different perspective on God’s trees. 

Godly people are like trees that flourish because they’ve been transplanted to God’s own house. 

Last summer Wayne and I planted a live oak, river birch and red bud tree in our yard. Wayne followed planting instructions from the nursery where we bought them and we watered them frequently and deeply. He also built little brick walls around their bases to keep the roots free from grass and I mulched around the roots. In spite of a drought in the middle of the summer, we kept them alive and they have flourished. I also have a loquat tree that didn’t do so well the first year I planted it. But I’ve pruned it, watered it and weeded the roots and it grew a lot this summer. I’m hoping I’ll get some fruit next year. 

The trees in God’s house flourish because He cares for them the way we’ve cared for our trees. They grow strong, remain vital and green and even produce fruit in old age.

In God’s house I draw nourishment from the Living Water.

In God’s house my dead branches are pruned by the Sword of the Spirit.

In God’s house the weeds of sin are pulled so my roots can spread.

In God’s house I’m nurtured by the Gardener who loves me. I get to know Him as He cares for me. As a tree in God’s house I know that the Lord is just, He is my rock and there is no evil in Him.

In God’s house I grow and put out green leaves, deep roots and I bear fruit. I can survive storms, drought, predators and disease. I won’t stop being productive or fruitful, even as I age.

God is my arborist. He only does me good so I will give Him thanks and proclaim His unfailing love.

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