Friday, June 21, 2013

Wayne and I have reached the age where we have to acknowledge that our parents are aging. We have a lot of mixed emotions we have to work through. For years we've been independent adults with respectful, but equal, relationships with our parents. Now we're finding that they need more support from us and the balance of give and take is shifting.

It makes me ponder how aging changes us in our relationship to God. I'm blessed that my father has shown the way in that, as he has in so many other steps along the Christian walk. A few years ago I wrote this poem about him, but I suspect it could apply to many godly men and women in their older years.


You falter on the terrace, who once grew fruitful gardens.
You shuffle in the hallway, who once trod jungle paths.
You waver in the doorway, who once befriended all.

You who encouraged many, fear you’ve been forgotten.
You who comforted grief, mourn the one who’s gone.
You who inspired hope, despair your failing health.
You who managed people, doubt your usefulness.
You who loved deeply, covet a friendly touch.

You prayed God’s blessing on us all, and still you pray.
You obeyed the Great Commission, and still you tell.
You preached the Word of God, and still you teach.

You remain our comforter, encourager, inspiration.
You remain a preacher, teacher, lover of the Word.
You remain a disciple, servant, child of God.
You remain our father, grandpa, elder.
You remain a builder, leader, friend.

You have fought the fight; run the race.
You await the crown of righteousness.
Well done.

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