Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Covenants and Treasures

Tonight I’m tired, grumpy and unmotivated. I’m not doing things that need to be done, or even doing something I enjoy. I’m just wasting time. So I’m not feeling very good about myself. 

And yet, God has reminded me that, like Israel, He chose me to be His own special treasure. He didn’t do it because I’m the Energizer bunny who gets things done. He didn’t do it because I’m full of joy. He simply loves me because He loves me.

His love is the reason He rescued me with such a strong hand from my slavery. He is the faithful God who keeps his covenant for a thousand generations and lavishes His unfailing love on those who love Him and obey His commands.

The covenant He kept with Israel required them to obey His laws. But I’m under the new covenant that He confirmed with Jesus’ blood, which was poured out as a sacrifice for me. The new covenant is not written in laws, but in the Holy Spirit.

I think sometimes I’m spiritually tired because I try so hard to please God. I don’t do it to earn my salvation; I know God has done that for me. But I have so far to go to be like Him, and I want to walk in His ways. Too often I forget that He does the work of transformation as well as the work of salvation. My part of the covenant is being kept by the life of the Holy Spirit in me.

These passages are a reminder that I don’t have to do anything. The Father loves me, His son died for me and His Spirit transforms me. 

Now that I’ve been reminded, I can’t wallow in my own dislike anymore. I’m filled with His Spirit who will motivate me. Even better, I’m God’s special treasure.

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