Friday, June 3, 2011

Don't Criticize

James 3:13-18

This blog shows that I think I understand God’s ways enough to write about them, although I wouldn’t actually say I’m wise. But verse 13 doesn’t allow me to sit back and admire my writing.

The way I live proves how well I understand God’s word. If I don’t follow it, I don’t really understand it.

God knows my besetting sins, and He speaks to them specifically in this passage.

I need to deal with the jealousy and selfish ambition that keeps popping up. No matter how many times I submit my wants to God, I find myself looking at others and wanting what they have. I need to continually ask God to purify my heart and fill it with love for Him and love for others so that I don’t think about what I want, but what He wants and what they need.


In my writing, I need to stop looking for praise, but instead look for ways it can help others. I’ll be honest. I like my own writing. After I’ve written something I like to read it just to admire my way with words. So, of course, I expect other people to admire it. I look for praise and if I don’t get it, I throw a little pity party. But God didn’t give me the ability to write in order to boost my ego. He wants to use it for others. That’s why I pray for my readers before I write.

When I’m in church, I need to stop noticing how others are doing their tasks and just look for what I can do to serve. It’s so easy to think there’s a better way to do it or that I could do it better. If God hasn’t given me a task, then I need to shut up and do the job He’s given me. If I really think there’s a problem, I should talk to Him about it, not criticize my brothers and sisters.

And when others are critical, I need to be a peacemaker by being positive and supportive and refusing to listen to criticism. If I can plant seeds of peace, I will reap a harvest of righteousness. That’s what walking in God’s ways is – being righteous.

It all starts with knowing God’s ways. I need to continue to study the Word and obey the Holy Spirit because humility comes from wisdom.


  1. "And when others are critical, I need to be a peacemaker by being positive and supportive and refusing to listen to criticism."

    What about when the criticism is true? For example, someone wants to be the head cook and someone else says they they don't do a good job in the kitchen. I would think it would be wise to listen because otherwise the the food wouldn't come out well.

    I think you can still be positive and supportive of said hopeful cook by listening to the criticism and directing them to a place where they would excel or by putting them in the kitchen, but not as head cook so they can learn to be a better cook.

  2. Sarina,
    Thank you for your comment. I agree that when you are in a position to influence others, you need to be aware of what is said about them, especially when it will help you make wise decisions.

    In my comment, I was really thinking about gossip. I'm afraid I'm too ready to listen to criticism of others when it has nothing to do with me and there is no good result possible.

    I want to always be loving, even in what I hear.

